Answering your survey here - BOTH recipes and essays please.

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A love story! A nice warming touch to a gloomy day. Also was tickled to see the shout out to the Marbledale Pub.

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Long day today, but now heading to bed with a smile on my face! What a fun story! Thanks!

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This is a lovely tribute to your well-loved stove! I feel sad that the new owner trashed it. I'm sure Thor had many good years left in him. I'm wondering if you considered taking him back and putting him in your new home, or did you already have a similar stove there?

BTW, I didn't answer your poll because you left out the third choice - BOTH! My vote is for more of both essays and recipes!

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That was fun. Love the essays. Even old ones. They are all new to me and much appreciated.

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To become friends with the owners of a former home – oven – well… it seems Thor does have otherworldly powers.

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I loved this essay as it reminded me of when I lived in a house that came with a 6 burner Viking that made me swoon in delight. Alas this house was also a big mistake—too big and expensive to inhabit on teachers’ salaries and as a family that thrived on fixing up old places it taught us a very expensive lesson. We’ve moved on but that Viking stove was the bright spot in the 4 years we lived there. Cars? Who cares, but a stove like that is unforgettable.

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Loved this sentimental tribute to Thor. So glad you got so much satisfaction from the Viking. I almost was inspired to cook more. Well, almost. A very fun read.

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My exact stove, purchased in 2006, and still going strong. I recall the steep learning curve too - learning how (and when and when not) to bake with convection. I’m still amazed at what high heat can do. Wish mine had a super-low simmer burner… another lesson learned.

While not a perfect widget (crappy knobs and rather short-lived glow bars) i won’t live without mine. Wish I had named it. Lol.

Thanks for the share and trip down memory lane.

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That was a really fun read. Thanks. I will subscribe but due to being on a fixed income, I cannot, at this time take on a paid membership.

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Love this ♥️

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