David, this is a great idea! Damn, I came in at the end, but next time I hope to be able to join in at the start.

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Thank you, Lisa! This was truly spur of the moment. I was sitting at my desk wondering what the hell I was going to make for dinner, and I said to myself, "Self, I bet a lot of other people are in this position." That's why I decided to do it. Next time, I'm going to send out an email notification to everyone.

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David, any suggestions for a no fat dinner? I am, after a week, getting tired of lentils. Yeah, something I have eaten most of my life.

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Christine, no fat dinner is really tough. You need some fat. Can you give me a sense of what you're looking for, or the type of food you're looking for?

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Thank you for going live and helping me with the banana bread. Hope to be able to stay longer next time.

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Need to use up leeks

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Bryn, you can cut The tough green parts off and discard them. Then, cut the leeks in half lengthwise, make sure they’re really clean, and put them in a 9 x 13 dish. Fill 3/4 of the way up the leeks with chicken stock, throw in some fresh herbs, such as thyme, and a knob of butter, cover with foil and braise them in a 350° oven until tender.

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My dinner will be home made cream cheese (strained yogurt) on a bagel with lax.

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Sounds wonderful!

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Ruth from beautiful BC

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I have enjoyed your content for a number of years recipes were great your photography is always a visual star!

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So you are located in Roxbury Ct, I grew up in Brookfield Ct 1965 to 1972 my dad was a manufacturing engineer ran a titanium machining company in Danbury for years but closed after contracts cancelled and we had to move away.

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Sorry I got sidetracked making dinner (prawns piri piri and arroz rojo) and couldn't really join in for long. I don't need help with planning or how to as someone who spent 16 years in the biz and inherited thousands of cookbooks that I have sold, given away or trashed. Florida kills books. I mostly want to thank you for your rants (blahg) which I have forwarded to appropriate friends. I hope they enjoy and subscribe to you too.

My favorite recipe of yours is the Basque Halibut with chorizo and chickpeas. Some nights I just do the chickpeas.

Best, happy cooking and happy eating,

Kristi Chase

Somerville, MA

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Christie, not a problem! You are more than welcome, and there are more rants where that came from!

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Dinner debate for an old couple everynight

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Dave, you mean the what-to-have-for-dinner debate?!

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We have it almost every night!

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Bacon Jam is amazing!

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Dave any ideas on sous vide?

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Dave, here's a piece from my site. It covers a lot. https://leitesculinaria.com/367608/writings-what-is-sous-vide.html

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Hi Linda from west palm

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Hi, Linda!

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