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Loved the commentary will be making have shared with my Mom and and daughter in law

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This sounds delightful! Bechamel makes everything taste amazing, I love making it too. 🙂 It's kind of magical to watch the butter/flour/milk turn into that wonderful creamy texture while stirring. ❤️

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You're the only man I know with a fainting couch in his kitchen. And although my cardiologist may have a coronary and the French might kvetch, I think this is absolutely brilliant, David.

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Thank you, my dear! I think a fainting couch in the kitchen is required, when one is of such delicate constitution. I’ve often said that, “I shall die of eating an unwashed grape.” (If you know the reference, you are even MORE of a cultured man than I already thought you were!)

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Well it sounds so much nicer than choking to death on the plastic cap off a bottle of nasal spray. Also, you really need to hire a wise-cracking maid in a trim lace cap.

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Who's to say The One doesn't moonlight…

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Oh, I just double checked my facts. Make that "Well it sounds so much better than od-ing on Seconal.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Author

Alas, you seem to be bereft of the cultural reference. That was uttered by Blanche Dubois in "A Streetcar Named Desire."

“The rest of my days I'm going to spend on the sea. And when I die, I'm going to die on the sea. You know what I shall die of? I shall die of eating an unwashed grape. One day out on the ocean I will die--with my hand in the hand of some nice looking ship's doctor, a very young one with a small blond moustache and a big silver watch. "Poor lady," they'll say, "The quinine did her no good. That unwashed grape has transported her soul to heaven.”

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Sep 1Liked by David Leite

Oh my goodness! I can not wait for temps to dip and I can turn on the oven. And we have an evil French bakery not to far from us that we go to every couple of weeks. Evil as in everything is good and the food taunts us. I can only hope that I can get some day old croissants as I will be whipping up this dish. Thank you, thank you, thank you for cleaning your kitchen.

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Rae, you are more than welcome! And I'm sure the Evil Sorcerer in the French bakery will set aside day-old croissants for you. After all, the number-one job of any evil being worth its sulfur is to lead people down the path of moral decay.

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I love this David!!!

I’ve added this to the Thanksgiving weekend menu (Canada’s TDay is the second Monday in October, and yes, I’m already planning. Well, done planning TBH.)

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Oh, my! I'm honored that I shall be a tiny part of your holiday festivities. Do take pictures, and do tell me how it turns out.

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Should I get a life size cardboard cutout of you to place at the table? Not a bad idea. I will keep you posted on the results! 🥐

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Sep 1Liked by David Leite

Better bedded and unwedded, than dead.

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So true, Sharon so true.

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Sep 1Liked by David Leite

How did you know we had a gaggle of croissants lying around? We had a bridal shower here with leftover food. I don’t like good food going to waste. We will invite our friends over to help us eat this creation. I can only hope to do it justice.

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Every night, I release a cadre of drones that buzz around the homes of my readers in the wee-est hours of the morning.

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Mon dieu! Is it possible to gain weight from reading? ❤️ 🥐 ❤️

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I made a variation - cut the croissants in half, filled them with dark chocolate, packed them in a baking dish, covered them with whipped milk, 3 eggs, cream, sugar, cinnamon, & cocoa, flattened the lot with another dish for circa 8 hours, sprinkled with chocolate buttons then baked until set. Croque Mademoiselle?

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Deborah, um, a superbe Croque Mademoiselle fabuleux! Brava!!

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It looks wonderful. Good idea as well. I’m with you on the full refrigerator thing. As a second generation Sicilian mine is usually packed even though we are only two in our house. We even have a second one downstairs! Two kitchens just like any self respecting Italian woman would have. One never knows when I might have to whip up a dinner for friends!

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Aug 31Liked by David Leite

The first picture? I want to dive into it. I’ll definitely be recreating it!!

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Aug 31Liked by David Leite

You are such a descriptive storyteller, David. Your casserole is a thing of great beauty. Now I’m hungry for Croque Monsieur. 😋

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Merci, mon amie! 💋

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Aug 31Liked by David Leite

Nice mitzvah!

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A dank, Becky!

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Aug 31Liked by David Leite

Mais oui! C’est delish! Oh my dear boy, I have a challah taking its last gasp and I was gonna make croutons - yawn. But not anymore. Oh no, imma make me that avec tout béchamel!!! (((Hugs)))

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I’m so glad you’re going to give the breath of life to your dying challah! 🥹

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Becky I made 6 loaves yesterday, 1 for this evening and brought 5 to the local food bank.

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Lucky food bank!

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