Lady Edith’s School for Young Men of Impeccable Character!!!🤣

I'm also not married, but should the occasion present itself, the invites would have Harry's most romantic line of all time: "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." *swoon*❤️

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Totally swoon! I love that line.

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“But I’d like to partake of your pecan pie…peeecaaan piiiiie.”

Like you, I could recite every line! 😁 I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve watched this classic. And I literally laughed out loud reading the exchange between you and The One. Great post - as always! And will certainly try the recipe.

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EXACTLY!! Thanks, and tell me how it turns out!

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Pap-Ri-kash. Thank God my One knows what I’m talking about because I am NOT as mature as you. I use a puréed bell pepper and 3tbsp of paprika, hot, sweet and bittersweet. But otherwise pretty, pretty close.

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Ha! The pureed pepper is brilliant. I need to try it.

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Thanks for the dinner plan❤️❤️❤️❤️ you are both treasure

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Thank you, Shelly!

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Love this. Love the photo (did I take it?).

Love the two of you. Keep that love cooking ♥️

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Yes, yes, you did take that photo—on that glorious day in Paris.

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We love you two, too! Hope you're well...

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Happy Anniversary ❤️

Your Hungarian Chiken Paprikas is on the spot

I always cook it on the stove and serve it with nokedli (dumpling) Dahrling

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Lovely, Veronika. And thanks. This year will be the first time we watch it together. Let's see if The One will do his homework and learn his lines! I love nokedli, but it's hard to find around here. Do you make it yourself?

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One of the (many) reasons your relationship works-- which you are certainly smart enough to know-- is that The One is on the whole a calm fellow. Imagine if you were both divas (I know "dive" is the correct Italian plural of diva but that would just look silly)? Heartiest of heartfelt felicitations to you both on your pearl anniversary.

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Darling, thank you. The anniversary was in Oct, but I finally got around the finishing the essay now. And, yes, this relationship works become The One has the patience of Job, plus a hearty dose of good humor. *I* could never deal with me. (But you knew that already.)

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I love your relationship dynamic. Don't ever change!

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Darh-link, at my seems, it seems unlikely.

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